Our work together

  • Introductions //
  • Analysis and 1st paragraph //

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Now British, once Picts, Celts, Angles, Jutes, and Frisians . . . .

What has your preliminary research revealed about ancient Anglo-Saxon England? What surprised you? How might these cultural, political, scientific factoids manifest themselves in the literature of the period? (E.g., What would you expect to see as a result of this Anglo-Saxon mindset?)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Initial Impressions

What are your general impressions of Beowulf -- either the Old English reading or Heaney's translation?
What are your thoughts as you pick up one of the oldest surviving stories in the English language?
What associations, ideas, feelings, and initial patterns and stylistics does the text offer?
What predictions or questions do you have?